
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Coal Oil Pt: The sun appears in the late afternoon here.

The water was warm and clear and the energy mellow and unharshing as I've come to expect of ol' Dev. The close outs are rarely of the Sands or Rincon variety. Going over the falls is a different deal. But that's the winter months I'm thinking of.

I left work early and caught the incoming tide and got two hours of dominating surf. I'd been watching the buoys build since the 11th hour. My lower back is soooooo loose now. Finally. I'll have to ice my neck though, still achey and weak since the concussion incident. There were four heartshaped swans and two Canada Geese hanging by one another in the slough at almost sunset. Things just work out that way at the water.

The sun finally came out, the sea was warm and there were sea lions and dolphins and diving pelicans feeding. Bio Dave was out surfing and a couple of guys and then a few more, but it was easy to dominate. The waves were all over the place, but consistent. We just had to wait in position at our choice of breaks.
Photo by Callie Bowdish, 2011
The tide was incoming high then outgoing high. 4 ft high. Sometimes they didn't line up and they were smaller than you'd think. I don't know how much of a role the new incoming sand placement plays in that. But there were some nice lines that showed up and some nice rides.

That's June Gloom on a good day.

end of report.

Midnight. On the water.
I saw the Ocean's daughter
Walking on wave she came
Staring as she called my name

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